SMC Book Club: The Girl Code

So far, the SMC Book Club has read books that covered some of our favorite topics- money, career, lifestyle, and female empowerment.  Well, ladies, our next book selection is slated to give us all of that.  Since the recent relaunch of the SMC Book Club, I wanted to bring back a book that may be familiar to some of my longtime readers.  This month’s She Makes Cents Book Club selection is from author and master life coach, Cara Alwill Leyba. Cara is known for encouraging women to create a ”Champagne Life” that entails living effervescently, celebrating themselves every day, and making their happiness a priority. Through loving guidance, support, and an expert perspective, Cara empowers women to challenge their fears and create a lifestyle and career that feels authentic, vibrant, and inspiring. She sounds like #shemakescents, right? 

Join Our Virtual Book Club from Money, Career, & Lifestyle Blog for Women, She Makes Cents | Girl Code

This post contains affiliate links, which means I get a little $$$  if you make a purchase through my link.  For more info, see my disclosure policy.

She Makes Cents Book Club- The Girl Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Success, Sanity, and Happiness for the Female Entrepreneur

The Girl Code

Every time I take a trip to my favorite bookstore, I come across this book,Girl Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Success, Sanity, and Happiness for the Female Entrepreneur and I tell myself that I will add it to the SMC book club reading list. Well, that time is now! This book has a rating of 5/5 on Good Reads and I can’t wait to dive in. You may be thinking to yourself, “I’m not an entrepreneur” but I am confident that the information and inspiration from this book can apply to all women at every stage of their careers.

How Our Book Club Works

This virtual book club currently “meets” weekly for mini book chats in the SMC Book Club group on Facebook.  A book will be selected every other month and then announced before the start of the month to give participants time to  order the book from the >SMC online bookstore, borrow from the library, or download >here. Selections for the books come from a mix of editor and reader suggestions. For reader suggestions, we ask that selections embrace powerful women, business cents, fictional favorites, and anything that informs and inspires us.   As you read the book, please leave your questions for the book club in the comment section below.  We will begin the book on March 1st (our Blogversary) and discussions will follow on Instagram and our Facebook group   starting Wednesday, March 14th at 7:00pm (EST).   Atlanta Blogger, Danielle YB Vason of She Makes Cents, wants to know what's the best book you have ever read?

SMC Book Club | How To Get the Most Out of Your Power Word of the Year

On the first day of the year, I asked readers to share their 2018 power word that reflects their goals and visions for themselves. The response to that one question, which was posed to all of our social media networks, was both inspiring and eye-opening. It occurred to me that in place of resolutions people are looking to find a purpose that flows into multiple areas of their lives. As people responded with words like happiness, growth, self-care, and consistency, I couldn’t help but think of books I would recommend to inspire people based on their chosen word. The power of choosing a word that you hope will define your year is that it forces you to reflect on areas of your life that you want to be better or that deserve your focus. Once a word is selected and claimed in advance, you prepare yourself to receive all of the good things that come with that word. My inspiration for the next SMC Book Club read comes from the idea of one taking an active step toward applying one’s own word to one’s life.

SMC Book Club from She Makes Cents _ Power Word of the Year.jpg

February Book Selection

This is the year to do better and be better and I resolve for our group to be great, supportive, consistent, and a place for goal setting women to come together. The energy in the SMC Book Club during our last book, Boss Women Pray, was so amazing and I want to build on that and I want to inspire you to be successful with your power word or else it will lose all power over your life. For the month of February, we are going to do something a little different. Instead of reading the same book together, let’s take the month of February to read a book that is inspired by the word of the year that you chose yourself. My hope is that each of you follows through and make the time to find a book that relates to YOUR word; a book that inspires you toward your self-mandated purpose to you have selected to help guide you this year. According to U.S. News, 80% of people give up on their resolutions and New Year goals by February. Let’s be the 20% together by starting our new book on February 1, 2018.

How Our Book Club Works

Every other month, we select a new book from a mix of editor and reader’s suggestions. For reader suggestions, we ask that selections embrace subjects such as power women, money, career, and lifestyle that informs and inspires us. We then announce the book selection here on before the start of the month to give you time to opt-in and get your copy of the book from the She Makes Cents store on Amazon. Discussions for the book take place in our weekly book chats in the SMC Book Club group on Facebook as well as the She Makes Cents Instagram page. Trust me, the dialogue in the group is LIFE!

Since everyone will be reading different books for February, the book chats will be tailored to this unconventional reading experience. If you would like book suggestions based on your power word, let me know. I can be found on social media at the @shemakescents handle. (9)

SMC Book Club: Boss Women Pray-31 Prayers to Increase Your Success & Spirit

Inspiration comes from many places. In my case, the inspiration for our next book club choice came from an Instagram story where another influencer, @theemmaroseagency, shared a screenshot of a page from a book she was reading. After reading the page for myself, I had to find out more information about that book that appeared to encompass money, career, and lifestyle from a woman’s point of view. This month’s She Makes Cents Book Club selection is from author and founder of the small business empowerment-coaching firm, Kachelle Kelly. Kelly coaches career-driven women to activate their hustle and their faith by providing innovative strategies to achieve authentic success and happiness in one’s business and life and I invite you to join the SMCmoneytribe as we dive into her book, Boss Women Pray: 31 Prayer to Increase Your Success & Spirit: The Comprehensive Prayer Guide for Entrepreneurs & Women in Business .

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that we have recommended. While clicking these links won’t cost you any extra money, they will help us keep this site up and running.
Boss Women Pray- She Makes Cents Book Club

Boss Women Pray

The book Boss Women Pray will take us on a 31-day journey that is slated to inspire us to go after our dreams and visions by eliminating distractions. Who doesn’t love a good inspirational read?  It comes from a faith over fear approach to business and life and is rated 4.9 out of 5 stars on Amazon and 4.5/ 5 on Good Reads.  The prayers on each page will ignite something inside of you and make you feel like you were right there as these prayers were written. According to those who have already taken this 31-day journey, you no longer have to feel alone in your business endeavors. You will walk away from this book empowered out of your mind to reach your full potential in business and in life!  I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to dive into this book with the read of the SMCmoneytribe.

How Our Book Club Works

We select a new book from a mix of editor and reader’s suggestions. For reader suggestions, we ask that selections embrace powerful women, business “cents”, fictional favorites, and anything that informs and inspires us.  We then announce that selection before the start of the month to give you time to opt in and go get the book.  Since the paper copy is just about sold out everywhere, you can order a digital copy here.  As you read the book, please leave your questions or comments for the book club in the comment section below.  We will begin discussions for this book on November 1st on Instagram and our Facebook group.

SMC Book Club: The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck

Let’s be real.  The title of the January book selection got your attention, didn’t it?  Well, it certainly caught mine when I first heard about Sara Knight’s latest book, The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck.  Reason number one is well….obvious, but the second reason…I literally laughed out loud that the title is the play on the uber-popular book by Marie Kondo, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.  Apparently, we as a people are in serious need of a life-changing magical moment.january-book-selection

Here is the Overview:

Are you stressed out, overbooked, and underwhelmed by life? Fed up with pleasing everyone else before you please yourself? It’s time to stop giving a f*ck.

This brilliant, hilarious, and practical parody of Marie Kondo’s bestseller The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up explains how to rid yourself of unwanted obligations, shame, and guilt–and give your f*cks instead to people and things that make you happy.

The easy-to-use, two-step NotSorry Method for mental decluttering will help you unleash the power of not giving a f*ck about: 

  • Family Drama
  • Having a “bikini body”
  • Iceland
  • Co-workers’ opinions, pets, and children
  • And other bullsh*t!

And it will free you to spend your time, energy, and money on the things that really matter. So what are you waiting for? Stop giving a f*ck and start living your best life today!

How Our Book Club Works

We gave our Instagram followers a sneak peek of the book selection and the buzz was great.  The funny thing is… a preacher friend of mine recommended this book and told me that it was a good read (crazy huh?).  Click here to order the e-book version (for less than the price of a bag of chips) and here to order the hardcover version.  We are starting on January 1st and checking in back here on on Saturday, January 14th to discuss the first half of the book.  If you are in Atlanta, stay tuned for the book club meet up.  Info will be posted on our Facebook page, as host a Wine & Read. Event  Get your book, get cozy, and let’s get our read on in 2017!

SMC April Book Club: Year of Yes!!!

My favorite season is upon us… SPRING! This is a time for a rebirth of goals, visions, and overall positive changes. That being said, it’s time for yet another book selection for the upcoming month of April to get us motivated and inspired. The April book selection, written by the mega-talented creator of my Thursday night lineup, Shonda Rhimes, was actually a recommendation from shemakescents readers like you. That’s right, we are reading Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person. I have heard nothing but good things about this book and since I already ride the crazy Shondaland roller coaster every week, I figured why not dive deeper into the woman behind some of my favorite characters.

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Starting April 1, 2016, we will start Year of Yes to see how saying “YES” changed Rhimes’ life. I am a firm personal advocate of the “It’s okay to say no” because I witness all too often how saying “yes” can allow other’s access to take advantage of you or a situation. However, I fear that by saying NO sometimes that I am blocking my own blessings from coming through. It has been said that her year of yes saved her life and that it will inspire readers to change their lives with one little word…YES. Join #shemakescents as we “dance it out, stand in the sun, and become our own person” with our April book selection.  Shoot a picture of you with the book on Instagram| @shemakescents and on Twitter @shemakescents using hashtag #shemakescents for a repost.

Grab your very own copy (ebook/traditional style)  of Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person here.

SMC Book Club: Leave Your Mark

Feed your mind or it will starve… – Danielle YB Vason

Feed Your Mind Quote copy

Back in college my roommate/future doctor, Safiya, diagnosed me with what we now refer to as “Shiny Penny Syndrome”. Shiny Penny Syndrome is when you are focused on one thing and something else steals your attention. It’s exactly what happens when I see pretty shiny things or when dogs see squirrels. Well, let just say that the shemakescents January book selection was my latest shiny penny. I was walking through my favorite book store on the hunt for a Christmas gift when I saw the cutest book cover. Mint green, coffee cup, and red lipstick stains immediately caught my eye!   Then I realized the author was Aliza Licht aka @DKNYPRGirl, solidifying the book “Leave Your Mark” as the first shemakescents  book selection of the year. Book Club- Leave Your Mark

Leave Your Mark This Year

Drawing invaluable lessons from her experience, Licht shares advice and inspiration with a particular emphasis on communicating and building your personal brand. Join #teamSMC as we dive into this sassy, relatable, and knowledgeable guide to the contemporary working world, where personal and professional lines are blurred and the most important thing you can have is a strong sense of self.


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shemakescents{at}gmail {dot}com |  Instagram  @shemakescents 

SMC Book Club: The Bliss List

“A little reading is all the therapy a person needs sometimes” – Unknown

I remember one particular time, I needed to get out of the house and clear my head.  I didn’t know where to go, so I hopped in the car and just started driving.  When I need to clear my mind and relax, especially when I am under extreme stress like I was that day, I find my way to my local book store.  I walked around, grabbed some coffee, and sat down in the middle of and aisle and started reading the first page of several books.  I bought four books that day, one of which is the SMC February Book selection- The Bliss List: The Ultimate Guide to Living the Dream at Work and Beyond  by J.P. Hansen .  I started reading The Bliss List and I immediately started to feel better, relaxed, and excited for the possibilities ahead.The Bliss List

Four out of five people are unhappy in their current jobs (and that unhappiness spills over into their personal lives). One secret to living the life you dream about, according to author and Life Coach J.P. Hansen, is to pursue the activities that put you in the zone where time stands still.

In his book, The Bliss List, he guides readers through an odyssey of mystical concepts to attract bliss into their lives by changing their attitudes and their minds. He provides insight and inspiration for readers to find work that truly brings them bliss (and whatever else they desire, including money). At the same time, and on a practical level, he takes readers inside the world of executive recruitment and shows how a powerful résumé opens the right doors to the right job. He shows résumé make overs for success and even gives a template for readers to fill in.

 Join #teamSMC as we dive into a spiritual, practical, and conceptual evaluation what makes us truly happy.  You will need a pen and paper, so this is not a book I would recommend in audio format.


Want to Join Book Club? Leave a Book Suggestion Below.


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SMC Book Club: The Woman I Wanted to Be

Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light. – Vera Nazarian

I am an avid reader and every year I set out to read at least 12 books a year.  It’s a resolution that when of making, seems simple.  But yet, as the year goes on I find myself getting caught up in things that pull my focus away.  That 12 book goal starts feeling like 1200 books.  Last month, in a few moments of downtime, I took a pink post-it and made a list of books that I have been wanting to read.  I then took it a step forward and bought the first book on my list.  It was an autographed copy, at that! Afterward, I told my girlfriends from work who also seemed interested in some of the reads on my list and [insert angel choir here] the birth of the She Makes Cents Book Club was born.  For the past month, I kept going back and forth about whether I would present it to the world as a monthly book suggestion, book review, or a book club and then I remembered about why I love books in the first place.  Reading and discussing books with other people allows you to understand the same material, often time from a different point of view than one’s own.  That is one of the things I miss about college… the ability to have an open dialogue about a multitude of subjects.


So Here Is How It Will Work:

Every month we will select a new book and announce that selection a week before the start of every month.  This will give you time to go to your local bookstore, library, or download to your device. Selections for the books will come from readers suggestions and the list I started on the post-it.  We ask that selections embrace powerful women, business cents, fictional favorites, and anything that informs and inspires us to be the people we aspire to be.  With that being said, I am happy to announce the SMC Book Club: January Selection to be The Woman I Wanted to Be by Diane von Fürstenberg.  I have always been a fan of her as a woman and I was so happy to see that she is exactly who I hoped her to be when watching her reality show “House of DVF”.  This book explores the subject of her roots, love, beauty, and business; thus, making it the perfect choice for our January Selection.  I hope you pick up the book and join the SMC team as we read our January selection.  Discussions for this book can be found in the comments below starting Monday, January 5th. She Makes Cents | Money, Career, & Lifestyle Blog for Goal Setting Millennial Women

{Book Cents} 3 Books I Can’t Wait to Read!

I Like Big Books & I Cannot Lie!

I can be somewhat weird about books. Rarely do I lend them out because I’m afraid people won’t take care of them as I do. I don’t write or mark in them unless I have to; and when I do, I usually buy another clean copy. Weird, right? I haven’t even told you how I pick out books. I am very loyal to authors I like, I’m open to recommendations, but more often than not, I pick out books because I think the title is interesting. While I’m currently reading the Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey, I am always on the search for more books. Below are three that I have on my list to pick up.

Check them out!

Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office by Lois P. Frankel, PhD

Cupcakes and Cashmere by Emily Schuman 

Bubbly on Your Budget by Marjorie Hillis

How Do You Pick Your Next Read?


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