{The Woman Behind the Brand} Danielle YB Vason of “She Makes Cents”

Hello Lovelies!  Are you curious about the person behind the brand? Who is SHE?  Well, I am very excited to invite you to check out my updated About Me page (click the picture below).  So much has happened in my life and in the lives of my readers since I created my first about me page… that I was way  past due for an update.  Over the years I have enjoyed getting to know my readers and I have been inspired by your stories that you bravely share on the site and the personal ones that are emailed to me privately.   I never feel alone in my journey because of readers like you are right there for every step toward financial freedom.   About Me

 Photo Credit: Bri McDanielle Photography

Feel free to tweet me @shemakescents using hashtag #SMCmoneytalks or stop by our Facebook page to say hi, update me your progress, goals, and topics you would like to see more of. I’d love to hear from you.cropped-logo-twitter2014.jpg

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SMC Book Club: Leave Your Mark

Feed your mind or it will starve… – Danielle YB Vason

Feed Your Mind Quote copy

Back in college my roommate/future doctor, Safiya, diagnosed me with what we now refer to as “Shiny Penny Syndrome”. Shiny Penny Syndrome is when you are focused on one thing and something else steals your attention. It’s exactly what happens when I see pretty shiny things or when dogs see squirrels. Well, let just say that the shemakescents January book selection was my latest shiny penny. I was walking through my favorite book store on the hunt for a Christmas gift when I saw the cutest book cover. Mint green, coffee cup, and red lipstick stains immediately caught my eye!   Then I realized the author was Aliza Licht aka @DKNYPRGirl, solidifying the book “Leave Your Mark” as the first shemakescents  book selection of the year.

SheMakesCents.com Book Club- Leave Your Mark

Leave Your Mark This Year

Drawing invaluable lessons from her experience, Licht shares advice and inspiration with a particular emphasis on communicating and building your personal brand. Join #teamSMC as we dive into this sassy, relatable, and knowledgeable guide to the contemporary working world, where personal and professional lines are blurred and the most important thing you can have is a strong sense of self.


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shemakescents{at}gmail {dot}com |  Instagram  @shemakescents 

{Quick Tips} Every Woman Should Know How to Be More Efficient.

Women wear several hats everyday and in a society where time is money, learning to be more efficient could be exactly what you need to become more organized, sleep better, and be a ROCK star in your career.  I can’t think of one person who couldn’t benefit from these friendly reminders of simple lifestyle changes that could make a big impact on your well-being.  Check it out!

How to Be More Efficient

Infograph Credit via Funders and Founders

What’s Your Favorite Tip from the post?


Email SMC: shemakescents@gmail.com

{Business Cents} Don’t Give A Damn If They Like You

She Makes Cents

The respect of those you respect is worth more than the applause of the multitude. ”

— Arnold Glasow

They Like Me, They Really Like Me

Some of the best career advice I ever received came from a magazine. In an archived issue of Cosmopolitan, Mika Brzezinski, Cosmo columnist and co-host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, suggested that women concerned about being liked at work, “should not give a damn if they like you”. Work as Brzezinski adds, “is not a popularity contest. It is however a respect contest”. It wasn’t until I was sitting in a performance review that I started to understand what she meant by her advice. People can like you for the person that you are and the work that you do but that doesn’t always translate into promotions, benefits, or raises. Sitting there in that office, I was fighting an internal battle and my career was losing BIG TIME! My fear of not being liked was keeping me from confidently asking pertinent questions regarding career progression and compensation. Would they still like me if I challenged the status quo? To this day, I still get embarrassed knowing I was so worried about being liked at such an important career crossroad. I decided to write this, because I know I am not alone and that is evident in my research of women, business, and money.  I hope someone can learn from my experience.

Of course I want to be liked , everyone does, but not at the expense of losing sight of my financial and career goals. If you are a good person and you do exceptional work, then you shouldn’t have to worry about not being liked.  Oprah once told me (dreaming BIG…let me try that sentence again). I attended the commencement ceremony of my alma mater, Spelman College, where Oprah was the speaker. She told the women to, “let excellence be your brand”.  Others will respect you for being focus driven and being the best you can be, and hey, what’s not to like about that? 

What’s More Important in the Workplace?

Being Liked or Respected?


Email SMC: shemakescents@gmail.com


Wise Words- Create Happiness Photo Credit: Raw of Beauty {dot}com

This is a lesson that I learned the hard way in my early twenties. I was so busy working to meet a certain status and lifestyle that I was too busy working to enjoy it; thus missing out on that limbo period where crazy “in my twenties” stories are made.  Since then I have learned that time is one of the most valuable “things” to have.  Time is a currency that no one can really buy more of.  When I get to the end of my life, I want to know that I have actually LIVED instead of simply existing.

Let’s Connect!


Email SMC: shemakescents@gmail.com

{Business Cents} Preview to Like A Girl Series

Women in the WorkplaceLast week I posed the question to my female readers, are we [women] losing the corporate game because we are playing “like a girl”? This very question inspired our new Like a Girl series. What does it mean to do something “like a girl”, anyway? As I child, my parents reinforced the notion that I could do anything a boy could do; however, society emphasizes the phrase “like a girl” to describe someone as weak, soft, and less than. Over the next few weeks, we will tackle topics of women, business, and money while rejecting the crippling actions and societal impositions of this “like a girl” behavior. Together, we will redefine what it means to do something LIKE A GIRL…. better yet, LIKE A WOMAN!

When joining us for this discussion, do not forget to use hashtags #shemakescents and #LikeAGirl

Let’s Connect!


Email SMC: shemakescents@gmail.com

{Business Cents} Habits of Successful Business Women

I was going through some old papers when I came across my notes from the Spring 2006 Career Night hosted by my alma mater, Spelman College. The theme for the evening was “To, Work, To Live, To Love: A Conversation about Finding Passion and Balance in a Chaotic World”. In the midst of my note taking style, which looks like a cool info graph, was valuable information. Then I was absorbing information with the mindset that I would be an attorney in a large firm. Now, I can see how the advice from panelist Yolanda Bivens, Andrea Brown, and the ever inspiring Allegra Lawrence can apply to most industries.

Check out their tips!

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Email SMC: shemakescents@gmail.com