{Quick Tips} Every Woman Should Know How to Be More Efficient.

Women wear several hats everyday and in a society where time is money, learning to be more efficient could be exactly what you need to become more organized, sleep better, and be a ROCK star in your career.  I can’t think of one person who couldn’t benefit from these friendly reminders of simple lifestyle changes that could make a big impact on your well-being.  Check it out!

How to Be More Efficient

Infograph Credit via Funders and Founders

What’s Your Favorite Tip from the post?


Email SMC: shemakescents@gmail.com

25 thoughts on “{Quick Tips} Every Woman Should Know How to Be More Efficient.

  1. Before I have even seen the blog or the pin on Pinterest, I have done many of these things on my own. Hopefully Danielle will be able to help get my act together. Danielle thank you for ALL the GREAT ADVICE! OH and forgot to mention how easy it was to follow as well!

  2. The one about how to live a simple life as an entrepreneur resonates very well with me. Thanks a lot…..P/S Maybe the one about the alarm can be updated, seeing as most people I know use the alarm on their cellphones nowadays 😀 but having said that, the cellphone/alarm should be a distance away, with the phone switched off. 👏🏽👏🏽

  3. Love this and shared it with the special girlfriends in my life who need it most. Thanks for the info graphic as well! I plan to post it on my idea board.

    1. I really need this. Being back in school and new job has got me all over the place. When I’m not efficient, I get frustrated. Thank you

      1. Working while being in school can be a lot to juggle. Best of luck to you. If you don’t do so already, I encourage you to subscribe to shemakescents.com for more tips and tricks to help you find balance in your endeavours.

  4. Pingback: {Quick Tips} Every Woman Should Know How to Be More Efficient. – wir2 … bleiben gesund
  5. Pingback: Quick Tips Every Woman Should Know How to Be Mor… – What To Wear Ideas
  6. •There is no need to carry food and drinks around with you – eat only at breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. Eat sitting down, at a table, phone & TV off.

    •Keeping a regular schedule puts your brain in a routine, and your body automatically adjusts – mealtimes, bedtime / rising time.

    *Including in your schedule some time each day to nourish your dreams & soul.

  7. Minimalism! Consume less, sever unhealthy relationships, and TURN OFF THE PHONE!! All habits that I have been cultivating this year. I already see positive differences in my life. 🙂

    Thanks for this, Danielle. xo

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