MLK Quote to Inspire You to Keep Moving Forward Through Any Situation

Sometimes unexpected things happen…the past two years have been proof of that.  The thing is, we cannot give anything the power to paralyze us in a state of anger, fear, grief, complacency, etc.  Today I wanted to share one of my favorite quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  I like this quote because it reminds us that there will be things in life that will attempt to block your path to greatness.  Sometimes we can even block our own blessings.  Instead of giving up when there is a roadblock find another way to get to your goals.  


If you can’t fly then don’t shrug your shoulders and throw in the towel.  It’s so much easier to give up after the first roadblock (See  “How To Come Back from A Setback”).  Lace up your favorite pair of sneakers and get to running, girlfriend.  You might not get to your greatness quickly, but as long as you keep moving forward you are taking the necessary moves to get you one step closer than you were when you realized that flying was not an option. (35).png